Thursday, August 20, 2009

It will never be just a plastic bottle again

It is so hard to believe that my trip is coming to a end and that next time this week I will be on my way back to Canada. When I look back at all the things that God has done in the life of the people around me and myself it blows my mind.

I think today was the most eye opening day in my life. We teamed up with a another team from hero holiday and went to the garbage dump. While we where driving to the dump I had both really excited and scared about the unknown. When we got to the dump we all got out of our cars and where given a bag and one of the guys brought us down to the dump and told us what kinds plastic bottles and bags that they collect. While walking through the dump for the plastic it was so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that these people do this everyday of their life and it is all because of where they where born. While I looked around some of the things that I can not leave my mind. Most if not all of these people have no other source of income but the money that they make at the dump and the things that they find, because of this many of these people get there food,cloths and water by the things they find in the dump. Watching the people go though the garbage bags for these things broke my heart. We saw may people find bread, fruit and things like that and put it in their pockets so that they family their family could have food. One of the best feelings today was being able to help the people find more bottle so that they will make a little more money today. The amount of work that they do for such a small amount of money blows my mind, when they fill a bag taller then me and they only get about 80 cent Canadian which at home can not even buy a small coffee at tims.

Another highlight of my day was when we where leaving most of us gave our shoes away. Watching them try on our shoes blow my mind because it was like we gave them a million dollars. Some of the kids said that they where about to go to school now becuase they have shoes .

After today I will never look at a plastic bottle again
