Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another day in the DR : )

It is crazy to believe that i have been here now over a week. Each and every day I keep falling more and more in love with the people and the island.

Yesterday was a exciting day for me, we started off my going to the clinic when we got there a litttle while before Mamma D did so we took a walk arould the village. It is crazy that you can start walking arould a village and have no children and with in five mintures you can have 20 kids just excited to walk with you and hold your hand. By the time we finshed our walk Mamma D was there, she let both me and Sarah go into the office with the doctor and the nurses. This was so exciting for the both of being nursing student it was great to see how different things work here in the Dominican. They even let us help take bloodpressures : )

After lunch we where off for part two of our day which was doing a VBS program Arroyo Seco. We got there a little early so we took a walk around village looking at where the kid that we would be working with in us a few hours lived. When we got back to church it was now open and there was a few childen there so we got a chance to play with them before it started. This was the most exciting part of my afternoon becasue i love hanging out the children just becuase you never know how much this mean to them.When the program got started we had about 50 children we got to share with the children that Jesus love them and die for them.

This trip has been even more then i thought it would be, I am so excited for everything that God is in my and everyone on out team.

Jessica : )