Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sin titulo

Ok, so apparently I'm really bad at writing any sort of blog or journal. I have fallen behind in my own personal journal and with this online blog. I just always forget or other things get in the way! This blog was intended for Monday, Aug 17th for all you lovelies who are following our Dominican Adventures! I always have such high hopes of keeping track of my daily activities, but I'm always let down my crazy procrastination!

So, Monday wasn't that eventful for me and Danielle P; however, the others spent the day busying around at the clinic in Nazaret. Danielle and I spent the day at home, in Sosua preparing for our teacher workshop that we're putting off on Aug 24 and 25th. It's been pretty difficult to prepare for this workshop due to lack of readily available resources. We're going to be delivering this workshop in a classroom that probably looks similar to those of the 19th century. There are a few desks, and a chalkboard. There is no powerpoint, computers, or smartboards, so we've had to simplify things, which is difficult for us who are used to such fancy technology at home. It's also been difficult for us since we're not veteran teachers by any stretch- I haven't even started my teaching career yet, so it's all a little bit intimidating! I'm sure it will turn out fine and that the teachers here will be thankful for any help that they can get.

So, that was basically it for my day. Oh, yesterday Gilbert and Yvette arrived. They had a pretty smooth flight and were happy to be there. It was so good to see some familiar faces. They're really looking forward to getting their feet wet and hands dirty. We've got lots of stuff to tell them and definitely lots to show them about this culture. I know their hearts will be touched and their thankfulness for the life we've been given in Canada will be strengthened, just as we've all experienced since being here.

I will never be able to look at the Dominican Republic in the same way ever again. I wrote about that in my article to the Nor Wester- how outside the resort doors exists a whole new world. It's a world that's filled with poverty, prostitution, drugs, alcohol, and abuse of every kind. It's a world filled with children who need to be held, sung to, rocked to sleep, fed. It's a world filled with hungry moms and dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters. It's a world that needs hands a feet; a world that is in desperate need of help and love.

I have been enjoying my trip very much. This experience has put a lot of things into perspective for me, and I needed that. I can't believe we're starting the third week now! Time is beginning to fly! I'm looking forward to this week and what is has in store for us.

Hasta Luego (for all you English speakers, that means see you later!)

Danielle Chatman