Sunday, August 16, 2009

Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro!

Wow! It's my turn again!

Time has definitely started to fly by. It's hard to believe that we are halfway through our journey here already. Things have been pretty intense and will only mulitply with our Haiti trip quickly approaching. Please, just continue to pray for us..

Today was an eventful one to say the least. It began with a 6am rise to get ready for a 10 hour free medical clinic in Puerto Plata. We arrived by 7ish, ready and willing to be put to work. We helped move a few chairs and tried to organize the waiting patients as best we could..but as the sun started to peek through, it saw a mad dash for shade! We crave the sun's attention back's a wee bit different here! The doctors finally showed up around 10 and we were each assigned to one..after a few hours of just showing people where the pharmacy was set up, we realized that this function was extremely overstaffed and that we could be better used somewhere else.

It was a neat experience to see a free clinic take place..where they were offering free HIV testing, had 14 various vaccinations available along with a load of other free meds..but they weren't pressed for volunteers which we had previously thought..

So, we found ourselves with Liz coming to the rescue and taking us to her club for another day. We drew and painted a sports mural on one of her walls to brighten up the huge room..I must say, it's all really coming together and looking more like a place for her boys and girls to learn different skills and just to hang out and be kids. I'm pretty sure Liz and her ministry has found a special place in each of our hearts..

After we arrived back at our apartment, we went for a quick dip in the pool and got ready to go to Momma D's to start our laundry. We never even got halfway through before the power went out (which happens quite frequently here). So, we decided to leave the rest of it for the next day..

Our night ended with Omega! We followed the lights, didn't we Krissie? Enough said. : )

Until next time,

Peace and many blessings,
Danielle P.