Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday the Fourteenth

Friday, August 14th

Time is flying by - I cannot believe it has been a week since I last wrote. We were blessed enough to spend another day with Liz and the boys, which we all enjoyed. In the morning, we drove to Puerto Plata, met up with Liz, and drove to the boys' and girls' club building. We were greeted by the boys we met last friday with hugs and kisses, and then we headed up to check out Liz's new building. A beautiful spot for a club, but pretty bland to say the least. Liz asked if we would like to paint a mural, and of course, we took on the challenge! After a quick stretching/exercise session with the kids, we grabbed some paint brushes and paint and went at it. We had it completely finished by one o'clock, and rewarded ourselves with a lunch break. The boys helped us clean up and by that time we had to prepare for the afternoon session of classes. Liz made a special time for the club to meet this week so that we could take over and do some of the teaching! We were split into four sections: Danielle P. and Danielle C. teaching English, Rana and Jessica playing games and singing songs, Joslyn making bracelets, and I taught "How To Make Playdough". I can't speak for the rest of the girls, but my section was crazy! We had a great day with the kids though and it was awesome to see the boys again.

We headed home to have a much needed shower, and then to Momma D's for a BBQ party! We (excluding Rana) met lots of new people, while Rana got to catch up with some old friends. Overall, it was a fantastic day. Working with Liz has definitely been the highlight of my trip so far, and of course, throwing in a little BBQ here and there doesn't hurt either!

Keep praying for us -- it is needed and appreciated!
