Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yet another day I will never forget

It is so hard to believe that we have been here almost 2 weeks, the days keeps going by faster and faster. Each day God contuines to show me new and crazy things about his plan for my life. On Wednesday we started our day off with a 2 hour bus ride to Staniago. After the long and cold bus ride (it was one of the first time that we have been in air conduchtion since we have been here) we went to the mall and had lunch before we went to the orphanage. Once we got to the orphanage it was so hard to take in everything that saw and even harder to put it into words. Before going in Rana told us that all of the children in this orphanage had either a phyical or mental disability but even though she told us this going in I was still not prepaired to see what I saw. There is about 70 children and adults that live there from babies to young adults. Many of this children where not given the medical care that they needed when they where baby causing them to face issues that they would not have to face if they where given the right treatment as a baby. While thinking about this at the ophanage broke my heart because growning up in Canada we are able to go to the Doctor when ever we need to. The 2 hours that we where there changed my life forever though, the smiles on the kids faces when you would give them a hug or sit by there beds is something that I will never forget. After leaving the orphanage we got the bus back home where we where faced with very heavy rain and caused our apartment to be covered in bugs. But we where saved by the "bug killer" sarah hahaha

Joslyn :)